Goodbye 2022, long live 2023!

In Cloverlily Blog 0 comments

Sorry for the delay, But thanks to everyone who purchased, got interviewed, messaged, tipped, shared, pointed out spelling mistakes, posted about, emailed, sent memes, commented, sent dog photos, mailed thank you cards, left great reviews and made 2022 my best year yet!


2022 was a year of firsts, it was my first full year of "being my own boss" and leather-working being my primary source of income. I quit my full time job in October 2021, the same month I moved into my new home. Less than ideal timing...


It had its ups, and downs but mostly ups! I have learned a TON about me and I am honestly so grateful to everyone who interacts with my little brand, it makes it all so worth while, I truly appreciate every single one of you*.


But most shockingly, 2022 was the first year I did not cut myself so badly I cant work for a few days! A trend I hope continues well into 2023.


Leather-working is not a job you should consider if you do not want to risk the mobility of at-least one finger or thumb (left thumb for me, featured image now makes sense, eh)


Thanks again and remember, we are designed to work together,




*Apart from the guy who sent the shitty email about packaging. Sorry using compostable, environmentally friendly packaging didn't deliver the buying experience he desired... Take a hike.


p.s. I am having a baby in 2023, so may be extending my delivery windows from time to time, be kind. Also, I know right, having a baby while the whole world burns. It seems ideal timing isn't my forte...


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