I have kind of been keeping a secret, badly...

In Cloverlily Blog 0 comments

So, I am about to undertake a new and exciting chapter. I am pregnant. Well not me, but I am expecting a child, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty soon...

They are due April 29th, but as many things in life, it turns out this is a guide not a guarantee! Ive tried to book in a more solid date but turns out my partners body doesn't have a contact number or email address... Its like trying to contact many couriers.

SO, to avoid upset and keep you guys up to date I am extending my manufacturing time from 2-5 to 4-8 days temporarily. This will be the case until at least June 2023.

And if labour starts during the manufacture of your harness, you'll have to kick rocks for a bit. It will be out to you when mother and child are back safe. I will update any of you that get caught in that when this does happen!

There will be other changes when the baby is here, but who knows how that will change my day to day!


A gentle reminder, to anyone who gets upset or grumbles. Life is chaotic and complicated and sometimes more important things are happening.


A not-so-gentle reminder, dont be a dick.


Cheers for the nice messages so far! Wish me luck.




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