I’m gonna prefix this one with the fact that, these are not my words, these are from user and friend of the brand and very talented photographer Gary Jude of Jude Photography.
Thanks for the great blog and lowdown Gary! Keep up the good work.
You can read the Original blog here.

Cloverlily Leatherworks Camera Harness
When starting off in the photography industry we naturally, as humans, think of cameras and lenses. Of course, this is very important but after 12 months into this game other important factors popped into my head. Comfort was one of them. It become clear that shooting a 14 hour wedding was not going to work holding big DSLR cameras all day. Style and the look was also very important for me. Some photographers may not be fussed, but it did for me. The need for style was very important for my brand. I always dress in a suit for weddings and felt a velcro camera strap would really not go down well for my style.
Enter the Cloverlily Leatherworks camera harness.
Founded in 2017, Cloverlily Leatherworks set out with all the goods crafted by hand in the UK. This was a big reason for shopping with Ben. Since starting off my business I always try to stay close to home when buying goods. Why? Supporting a local business, I felt, was essential. After speaking to Ben and viewing the products I could picture myself sporting the Cloverlily Leatherworks camera harness. Let’s be honest, they look bloody lovely!
First purchased back in 2018 and the Cloverlily Leatherworks camera harness is still going strong. Not just for weddings and events, I also use it for holidays with my family. Owning a 3 year old little girl and a 33kg Golden Retriever, my hands can thank Ben’s work. I feel with my harness I will never miss a shot but they are also safe and secure.
One thing that now happens a lot is the same question I get from wedding guests. For example, “Mate, they look really cool, is that a gun holster?” OR, my personal favourite “OOOOHHH, that leather strap looks very nice, is it used in the bedroom?” No comment.
Get to know Gary Jude a bit more:
Instagram: @judephotographyuk
Website: https://judephotography.co.uk/
And in honour of the man himself, again i listened to Hey Jude by the Beatles whilst typing this up.