Bigger isnt better...

In Cloverlily Blog 0 comments

The saying goes bigger is better. but thats only because it sounds nice to our ears. Its called alliteration, it gives the sentence rhythm which makes it easier to remember...

It's also not always true.

The average width of a camera harness strap is 38mm, and I make my harnesses narrower, mine sit at 32mm wide... why? because 38mm is too big. 

But why?

38mm is the average size of camera harnesses because... it's the most common width of mens belts. Meaning 38mm buckles are cheaper, 38mm dies and jigs are more common and cheaper, 38mm d rings and o rings are cheaper, all while you pay more... For a product that is using measurements for a completely different part of your body...

Because, I dont know about you, but I dont wear my belts around my shoulders, and 50% of my customers are in-fact women (who typically have narrower shoulders) so... I thought it was time to shelve the status quo and have a look at what size fits you, the real people the best, while still spreading the weight effectively.

You see, you go too narrow (<25mm for example) and the weight isn't distributed as effectively and the amount of time you can comfortably carry up-to 5kg of camera equipment starts to become a lot less than an all day long wedding shoot.

But 32mm, 32mm I found was the sweet spot for everyone not too wide, not too narrow. It's just right.

Don't take my word for it, give one a go, it'll change how you work.


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