STOCK UPDATE - Pisa Pizza Party

In Cloverlily Blog 0 comments

Lets start this with a photo of Bear (Cloverlily Head of Security) wearing an Antique Brown Harness...


Lets get to it. You may have noticed the world is burning, everything is expensive we are knocking on the door of WW3... Unfortunately, I have got to add more fuel to the dumpster fire that is the 2020's.

All my new hides are held in Pisa, Italy. This has been the case for a few weeks now and seems to be for the foreseeable future.

Ive got enough of all the hides to last me out apart from antique brown, so i have paused my listings for those harnesses and slings.


Sorry to disappoint, unless you voted for Brexit, in which case this is your fault and I am glad you're disappointed (that is a joke).




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