I have moved!

In Cloverlily Blog 0 comments

Its been all change at Cloverlily, I have moved into a new workshop in folkestone this weekend! Ill Stick up some photos of the move in the coming days!

This year I have worked on a new website that was 70% done, but I designed with a view to increase my catalogue size and include some items that now upon further deliberation dont really fit with what I want to be offering. I blame this on what I can only describe as a post newborn brain fuzz.

So whilst I focus things a bit more and settle into my new workshop/office Ive decided Ill be focusing on only harnesses and harness accessories for at least the first few months of 2024.

This means now, I am working on reworking this iteration of my website into a new different website. I cant wait for you to see it.



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